When our grandson Henry was beginning to stand on his own, it was obvious that he wanted to walk independently. He showed a curiosity and passion for walking. The challenge he faced was that his legs were as shaky as we had ever witnessed in all our years of parenting.

Along with our daughter Robyn and Spencer (our son-in-law), we kept a very close eye on Henry, fearing he would fall and hurt himself. In that moment, 4 adults with a lot of life experience had more fear than faith in his ability to walk.

Here’s what we underestimated: Henry, with a little over a year’s experience, had more faith than fear in his abilities – and that’s what gave him the courage to keep trying. He wasn’t worried about falling, he was consumed with his new purpose – walking!

When we know we’re in the middle of our purpose, risk becomes a secondary thought.

So stand firm on your shaky legs!

You don’t need 20+ years of experience. You only need a little courage to make a difference!

Categories: Inspiration